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Top 5 Moffat era stories you enjoy watching?

The Brigade Leader
Pepsi Maxil
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1Top 5 Moffat era stories you enjoy watching? Empty Top 5 Moffat era stories you enjoy watching? 11th February 2020, 11:51 pm

Pepsi Maxil

Pepsi Maxil
The Grand Master

1. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
2. The Eleventh Hour
3. The Woman Who Lived
4. Heaven Sent
5. The Lie of the Land

The Brigade Leader

The Brigade Leader

5. A Christmas Carol - the only Christmas Special worth watching IMO

4.The Eleventh Hour - A fun romp that felt like a breath of fresh air the series badly needed.

3.The Doctor's Wife - I still don't think it was a good idea to anthropomorphize the TARDIS but another fun romp and Suranne Jones doing her best Helena Bonham-Carter impression Twisted Evil

2.Amy's Choice - Loved Toby Jones as the dream lord, I really hoped there was more to him that a bit of space dust and he would've come back. The dream lord could have been Doctor Who's answer to Q from ST:TNG.

1.Vincent And The Doctor - nuwho's finest hour IMO



Eleventh Hour
Amy's Choice
Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone
Vincent and the Doctor
Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon

I prefer Capaldi as the Doctor but the stories don't make my top 5.



Not easy for me to choose, because apart from watching a couple of Capaldi episodes to see what he was like; I bailed out of NuWho a couple of stories into S7, and a recent rewatch of S5 left me pretty cold towards stories I initially thought were OK. But based on what I've seen:

Vincent and the Doctor
The Girl Who Waited
Into the Dalek
Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone
Amy's Choice



Vincent and the Doctor
Amy's Choice
The Eleventh Hour
The Girl Who Waited
Heaven Sent



Time of Angels
11th Hour
Impossible Astronaut
Girl who Waited
Vampires of Venice



1: Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone- One of the only NW stories I revisit out of affection. A cracking science fiction action horror tale that shows the full potential NuWho had that it flushed down the bog.

2: The Eleventh Hour- As highlighted, this seems like a breath of fresh air after 4 years of RTD's soap antics. Smithy makes an impressive debut and Karen Gillian is lovely after RTD's mostly dire companions.

3: The Snowmen- Not a classic, but one that I actually enjoyed at the time and just as much when I saw it twice after.

4: Vincent And The Doctor- Nice, entertaining and heavy tale that sees NuWho cover a sensitive subject with maturity for once.

Yeah, those 4 are all I've got....


Dick Tater

The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
Amy's Choice
Vincent and the Doctor
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
The Girl Who Waited


Dick Tater

1. The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
2. Victory of the Daleks
3. The Rings of Akhaten (I've *never* gotten the hate)
4. Asylum of the Daleks
5. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

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