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Big Finish bring back Katarina.

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1Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Big Finish bring back Katarina. 24th March 2019, 6:54 pm



As much as I enjoyed the early years of Big Finish, the company is QUICKLY becoming a joke.
I wonder how many adventures they are going to cram in between the end of The Mythmakers and Episode 4 of Masterplan?

With most of tru who's Doctor's and companions now in their 70's and 80's if BF continues to produce Classic material how long before we get the exciting adventures of Trevor Sigma Census taker or Janet:Space Waitress?

2Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Re: Big Finish bring back Katarina. 24th March 2019, 9:25 pm



They'll just recast them as they die off. They've already done it with Pertwee, Pat, Hartnell and several of his companions. And the sheep will keep on buying 'em.

3Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Re: Big Finish bring back Katarina. 24th March 2019, 11:36 pm



I'm going to do an article about Big Finish. IMO they need called out on the following things.

1/ Exploiting the Doctor Who brand to the point of parody. It gets absurd when there is a spin off for just about every character. What next? A spin off about Condo before he became a henchman?

2/ Their absolutely shameful treatment of fans from Nicholas Briggs and Gary Russell. He retweeted and laughed at someone saying that the Daleks were better than the not my Doctor people as they accepted Jodie, and Gary Russell called all critics of the time team, sad old basement dwelling Dinosaurs, and gloated about how happy he was people were upset about the change and how he was going to block anyone who disliked Jodie Whittaker.

These are the people who propped these guys up for decades, and they are happy to shit on them just to keep in with what they think are the "cool kids". Absolutely vile. Also hilarious in that Russell insulted Steven Moffat.

Anybody who criticises the new time team is an old Dinosaur? Would that be the new time team that includes Claudia Boleyn, who accused Steven Moffat of promoting rape in his scripts Gary?

3/ The way they keep infesting Old Who with the new series. Its disgusting the way they won't let the old fans have anything to themselves. Even audios that most new who morons like Claudia Boleyn aren't interested in. They'll still crowbar River Song into absolutely everything.

4/ The way they are more concerned with themselves and their own characters than in using the classic era Doctors companions while they still can. Okay I can understand maybe expanding Colin to give him a couple of new companions as he had so few on tv, but ultimately not using Peri to the point where Nicola Bryant quits in anger is ridiculous.

As grim as it might seem a lot of these actors are not going to be with us much longer, so to not use them with the original companions is shameful.

5/ Nicholas Briggs ego is out of control. The way he had to stick himself into everything to such a huge extent. Why not just cast himself as the Doctor and be done with it.

They need taken down a peg or two and reminded who their primary audience is.

4Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Re: Big Finish bring back Katarina. 25th March 2019, 10:19 am



burrunjor wrote:I'm going to do an article about Big Finish. IMO they need called out on the following things.

1/ Exploiting the Doctor Who brand to the point of parody. It gets absurd when there is a spin off for just about every character. What next? A spin off about Condo before he became a henchman?

2/ Their absolutely shameful treatment of fans from Nicholas Briggs and Gary Russell. He retweeted and laughed at someone saying that the Daleks were better than the not my Doctor people as they accepted Jodie, and Gary Russell called all critics of the time team, sad old basement dwelling Dinosaurs, and gloated about how happy he was people were upset about the change and how he was going to block anyone who disliked Jodie Whittaker.

These are the people who propped these guys up for decades, and they are happy to shit on them just to keep in with what they think are the "cool kids". Absolutely vile. Also hilarious in that Russell insulted Steven Moffat.

Anybody who criticises the new time team is an old Dinosaur? Would that be the new time team that includes Claudia Boleyn, who accused Steven Moffat of promoting rape in his scripts Gary?

3/ The way they keep infesting Old Who with the new series. Its disgusting the way they won't let the old fans have anything to themselves. Even audios that most new who morons like Claudia Boleyn aren't interested in. They'll still crowbar River Song into absolutely everything.

4/ The way they are more concerned with themselves and their own characters than in using the classic era Doctors companions while they still can. Okay I can understand maybe expanding Colin to give him a couple of new companions as he had so few on tv, but ultimately not using Peri to the point where Nicola Bryant quits in anger is ridiculous.

As grim as it might seem a lot of these actors are not going to be with us much longer, so to not use them with the original companions is shameful.

5/ Nicholas Briggs ego is out of control. The way he had to stick himself into everything to such a huge extent. Why not just cast himself as the Doctor and be done with it.

They need taken down a peg or two and reminded who their primary audience is.


Also Nick Briggs' ego has always been out of control. A failed actor who's used Doctor Who for the past 30 years to fund his own personal vanity projects.
Who can forget his dreadful interpretation of the Doctor in the audiovisual stories. And don't get me started on his performances as Sherlock Holmes. LOL

5Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Re: Big Finish bring back Katarina. 25th March 2019, 4:32 pm



Dalek Empire was okay.

I'm still a bit pissed at him though for not picking up my BF script back in 2009, Caught by The Chumblies.

6Big Finish bring back Katarina. Empty Re: Big Finish bring back Katarina. 12th April 2019, 12:40 pm

Pepsi Maxil

Pepsi Maxil
The Grand Master

Little to no time passed between The Horse of Destruction and The Nightmare Begins. There's no way they can fit an unseen adventure in there.

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