To label it as overtly racist is plainly untrue, and a clear oversimplification of Chang’s characterisation. The character isn’t portrayed as a caricature in any way, and possesses many nuances as outlined be The Time Traveller. And I can’t for the fucking life of me understand why the line “I understand we all look the same” is interpreted as racist- he’s blatantly using delicious irony in that statement, and it ultimately deconstructs racist attitudes itself. YouTuber Diamanda Hagan (a decent channel beyond this caveat) described the story as “Doctor Who’s Birth of a Nation”, which I have to say is a misleading description drenched in hyperbole (though I suppose the comparison works when one considers the objective quality of both works) - when does the story showcase and glorify the deaths of multiple characters of a particular race?
Yes, it’s a British actor in yellowface, which could be seen by some as insensitive as alluded to by ClockworkOcean, but the story features far more in the way of literary influence to discuss. It’s a superb story anyway, and of its time as Ronnie says, and I don’t allow such superficial aspects to hinder my view of it. It can be seen as occasionally dodgy, but it’s hardly hateful, and much of what is said about it is overplayed.