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Goodbye to the Moffat Era

Rob Filth
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1Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Goodbye to the Moffat Era 28th July 2017, 8:34 am



The Time of Our Lives (Steven Moffat’s final DWM Column)

You know something I don’t know. You know who the next Doctor is. At least, I think that will be out by the time you read this. Old Chibs (as he must always now be known) is playing his cards close to his chest, and won’t tell me a thing. I attempted to give him some sage advice on the subject of secrecy, but he gave me a look, as if to say, “Seriously, have you checked your own record on this??” and had me removed by security. Again. But it’s comfy here, in my skip in the Roath Lock car park, and Russell is good company. When we’re both not crying, that is.

Actually, I’m not comfy at all. I’ve got everything crossed. Can Old Chibs pull it off? Can we actually have a new Doctor that’s a proper surprise, the way it’s supposed to be? I do hope so! But you know all that by now, out there, in the glorious new dawn.

And the fact is, I have no more news for you. Barely any secrets to keep. One more Special on Christmas Day, and I’ll be gone before the end credits. A brand-new team will go blazing into action, and in the far future, vast new Andrew Pixley Archives will form in the void.

But frankly, even I don’t care about me - this is all about Peter Capaldi. I saw him at the end, you know. The very last shot you see of him as the Doctor is in fact (brilliant scheduling by amazing producer, Pete Bennett) the very last thing Peter did on the show. Just as popping out the TARDIS and confusing Strax was the very first thing he did in Deep Breath, all those centuries ago. Since then he’s faced down a Mummy on the Orient Express, talked down a Zygon war using a couple of empty boxes, punched a wall for four and a half billion years, misunderstood the romantic intent of a puddle, decked a racist, insulted Santa, had a 24-year date in a restaurant, and played gooseberry when Missy met herself. He’s been gentle and fierce and rude and kind, and now with a wave of his hand and a flap of his cuff, he’s striding into the sunset to give it a piece of his mind. Be there for him on Christmas Day - Scotland’s finest in his final hour. He’ll break your heart and save your galaxy, all over again.

It was funny, that last day. I was in the studio for most of it, which is the first time I’ve ever managed that on Doctor Who. Normally, there’s so much else to do - new season to plan, new scripts to write, new stars to find. But now, with my time on the show winding down, with desks falling empty, and computers falling silent, and endless rounds of goodbye drinks, there’s nowhere else for me to be.

Brian Minchin is here today. And we sit and laugh and chat, and marvel at Peter’s extraordinary final performance. Every take is different and beautiful in a new way, and how the hell are we supposed to choose just one? It’s not goodbye to Brian, I’m delighted to say - he’s joining me and Sue at Hartswood Films, and we have dark and mighty plans.
Rachel Talalay, our finale specialist, is directing. She’s come back to see number 12 off into the shades but I very much hope she’ll be directing more Doctor Whos in the future. She keeps hinting that she won’t, though.

“You’re already directing the new one - you’re doing the regeneration!”
“Yes, but apart from that.”
“You probably know who the new Doctor is, and everything!”
“No, I don’t”
“You had a secret dinner with Matt Strevens and Old Chibs!”
“It wasn’t secret!”
“Well, I didn’t know about it.”
“No-one thought to tell you, it was just for people who are… you know…”

I was alright after a bit, and the nurse with the oxygen was very nice.

“Who’s the new Doctor?” I demanded to know from my stretcher, mostly in hand signals.
“I don’t know,” lied Rachel, probably.
“Just the initials.”
“I don’t know.”
“Will you tell me if I cry?”
“You’re already crying.”
“… Would you like ten pounds?”

There’s another goodbye coming up - and frankly it’s right here. My old friend, the wise and kind King of Numbers himself, Tom Spilsbury, is leaving this magazine. It’s funny, we’ve done almost everything in parallel in Doctor Who. He was assistant editor on the mag, while I was an occasional writer for Russell’s era. He became editor only shortly before I became showrunner. And now, at the end, we’re tumbling out the door together. We’ve tumbled out of quite a few doors together, but I’m damned if I’m telling you which pubs. Once a month, for so many years, Tom would remind me that this column was due. No, that’s a lie. He’d remind me several times a month. Towards the end, in a very high voice, with crying. Well, no more! These days are over. Tom’s entirely brilliant era of DWM is drawing to a close with every word you read, my time on Doctor Who is vanishing like breath on a mirror, and this column too is about to pop out of existence.

It’s funny how things you take for granted just disappear, isn’t it? That school you went to every day and then never go back to, that friend you part from laughing and never see again, all those doors that click behind you without you knowing they’re closing forever. I first wrote Doctor Who in 2004, and I very much hoped I’d get to write it again. Then I wrote more, and then so much more, until I thought it might go on forever. I remember at some awards dinner, telling Brian I loved my job so much I couldn’t imagine ever stopping. In other more melancholy moments I knew that everything ends and wondered what the very last words I’d ever write about Doctor Who would be. Well, the time has come, and here they are.

All my love, good luck and goodbye.

2Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 28th July 2017, 9:38 am



In short, "I`m a cunt, being replaced by a bigger cunt, and that cunt won`t talk to me."

3Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 29th July 2017, 3:07 am

Rob Filth

Rob Filth

Yeah, well done for kicking every sacred cow you could and completely fucking up and revising canon and fucking up and cheapening the iconography such as regeneration even worse than Fathead could manage.

Well done for the tepid 50th anniversary special which excluded all classic series Doctors bar T.Baker, well done for shoehorning in an incarnation no one gives a fuck for rather than feature McGann in the 50th.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, even if Chinballs will be even fucking worse and a return to the total moronity of Fathead for the series.

4Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 29th July 2017, 9:40 am



Ah but wasn't there a shot of all the Doctors at the end of the 50th? Clearly making it a wonderful continuation of the show's canon, and proof that it's showrunner was hugely respectful of the old fans' concerns?

The Chinballs era looks like being s1 of Torchwood crossed with the 'I can do anything I want' ethos of Moffat - good god!

5Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 8th August 2017, 2:59 pm



Does anyone else think that in years to come, the ignorant masses who promoted this shitfess will turn around and say "In all honesty, it was shit." Does seem that is how many people now openly talk about the RTD era (which it was).

Who do you think will be hated more, RTD or Moffaat? IMO they are both as bad, but the blame still lies more with RTD as it was his tone and style that created the big difference between classic and new who. Moffat may have shat all over continuity, but at least he retconned most of the RTD era out of canon by the cracks in time.

Also, who do you think had the biggest ego, RTD or MOffat?

6Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 8th August 2017, 7:57 pm



Who do you think will be hated more, RTD or Moffaat? IMO they are both as bad, but the blame still lies more with RTD as it was his tone and style that created the big difference between classic and new who. Moffat may have shat all over continuity, but at least he retconned most of the RTD era out of canon by the cracks in time.

Also, who do you think had the biggest ego, RTD or MOffat?

Sorry and I say this as someone who vastly preferred Matt Smith to either Tennant or Eccelston, Moffat is far worse and deserves more blame.

RTD may have made New Who different to the old, but TBH Moff could have gone back the way to a more classic style.

That's the really annoying thing, he kind of did in Matt's first series. Yes there are some RTDisms but series 5 has some amazing stories like Vincent and the Doctor, and the Angels two parter which with a little reworking would fit right in with any base under siege Troughton era story.

And as we have been over Matt Smith really had a brilliant understanding of the Doctor. He played him as an old man in a young mans body, was naturally eccentric, and at first completely asexual and alien.

Moff however then just completely went back the way and as Rob said kicked every sacred cow he could. Moff did a story where the Brigadier was a Cyber Zombie, the Doctor was a president of earth and the Master was a woman in love with the Doctor. That alone puts him above ANY previous writer and producer in terms of shit stories.

I do think that RTD has the bigger ego however. I'm not saying that against RTD though. Moff's problem was that he was too easily bullied by the feminists and SJW's who slandered him online and in the papers such as here.

BBC hits back at Doctor Who is Racist Claims

If he'd had more backbone and done the show the way he wanted to begin with in Matt's time then it would have been better.

7Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 8th August 2017, 9:36 pm

Rob Filth

Rob Filth

RTD was the worst for getting the Doctor's character right - Eccleston was just fucking awful, great actor but just not suited for the role at all. Tennant was better, but still a fucking twatty lotherio.  

Moffats Doctors Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi at least felt right most of the time, even if they were struggling against the endless tide of crappy dialogue and endless bullshit retcons in the midst of a fog of a script.

Basically, RTD was shit at casting and writing for the Doctor but had a more direct audience-friendly, non-taxing approach to narrative to the point of complete moronity and Moffat although better at casting the Doctor and his character had a far worse convoluted narrative approach which revises fucking everything to the last nut and bolt to the point where he can't even keep to his own world-building rules.

8Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 8th August 2017, 10:12 pm



Despite the occasional decent individual story or episode, New Who as a whole has just been a giant trainwreck, let's face it.

9Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 12:26 am



The worst part of it for me is how it has contaminated the classic series. It has actually made it harder for me to watch the classic series without becoming angry.

10Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 12:35 am



Genkimonk wrote:The worst part of it for me is how it has contaminated the classic series. It has actually made it harder for me to watch the classic series without becoming angry.
As shit as new Who is, I will never understand this nerd rage.

I don't even think about new Who when I'm enjoying classic Who.

They're two wildly different beasts.

11Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 12:38 am



I certainly won't allow these talentless twats to retroactively spoil a far superior series.

12Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 1:46 am



Just makes it hard to enjoy the characters knowing what a cunt the doctor turns into, or what happens to the likes of the Master and Brig.

13Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 2:26 am



Why aren't you able to turn off from new Who for a while in your mind?

If it's not canon, none of that happens. Spunk-haired bellend, Smudger, they're all fanfic. Or something.

14Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 5:43 am



Because it is just too difficult to do that because the BBC treat it as the same thing.

Its a bit like when an actor does something so monumentally horrible that you can`t disassociate their acting character from their real life actions. Same reason why I can never listen to Michael Jacksons songs.

It certainly does not help when classic companions appear in New who, or that they retcon things like the first time the Doctor met Davros.

15Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 10:24 am

Rob Filth

Rob Filth

As far as I'm concerned, I'm still waiting for the continuation of the Classic Series with the 8th Doctor Adventures.

All this NuWho shit is just spin-off parody, outside of the established canon.

A bit like those crappy BBV audios with The Professor and Ace.

16Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 10:28 am



I concur with Mike, you can easily separate New and Classic Who, multiple universes are established in the show's lore via the Unbound series and Pete's World. There are some who still insist Sylvester never regenerated, or that the series finale was the NA Novel Lungbarrow. Hell, Death Comes To Time ends with The Doctor's apparent death and a woman takes over the TARDIS (Ace)

It's like how I am with Spider-Man after One More Day...Post-OMD Spidey under Dan Slott is pretty much to old school fans what Nu Who is to you guys, a train wreck title handled by a continuity nerd who likes to take a wrecking ball to established conventions, characters and relationships, and who has stayed on way longer than needed. The result? Despite not being as caught up in the SJW bubble that has intoxicated the company, the same tone and approach has caused a steady sales decline that has effectively made the whole Spidey franchise look pretty worn out.

Hell, Marvel are back to publishing stories about Peter and MJ's marriage (discarded in OMD) in an alternate reality book, and continue promoting the two as a couple in the online daily newspaper strip, so really I don't have to take the current crop of books as canon or get angry at all the years of investment thrown under a bus...when all I can do is read that stuff or everything from the 60s to 2009's ''The Real Clone Saga'' or the entire history of Spider-Girl from 1998 to 2010 (ignoring what Slott did to it in the Spider-Verse saga like SG's creators have advised fans to do) for a complete Spider-Man reading experience.

17Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 9th August 2017, 10:21 pm



I'm still waiting for Sylv and Soph to come back for the real season 27. Wink

Yes, I guess it's easier for those of us used to either cutting off other shows at certain points or just accepting the idea of parallel canons. A lot of the hate and whining thrown at the last Terminator film seemed to be from those having fits that it somehow decanonised the originals, rather than just accepting it as a parallel continuity like I did...

18Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 7th September 2017, 1:43 pm



This hilarious clip from the Simpsons pretty much sums up how Steven Moffat ran Doctor Who from 2013 on (with Moff obviously being Skinner and rather than wear a dress he forced the Master to wear one.)

19Goodbye to the Moffat Era Empty Re: Goodbye to the Moffat Era 11th November 2017, 11:31 am



Doctor Who: Steven Moffat on how the show competes with a lower budget

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