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Jools Holland LIED to us

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1Jools Holland LIED to us Empty Jools Holland LIED to us 23rd December 2019, 10:11 pm

Ken Grubshaw

Ken Grubshaw

I bumped into Jools Holland in a brothel last night. I asked him if I could come to his Hootenanny show on the 31st of December. He told me that he had already filmed the show in September. I told him that I thought it was  disingenuous that dozens of singers and a hundred odd members of the audience would pretend to celebrate New Year's day months before the event and try and  trick unsuspecting viewings into thinking it's a live show. He told me that he didn't a crap and that he had to run because they'd finished oiling his Goat. I called him a midget and left.

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